In July 1944, in the Mexican city of Acambaro, Guanajuato, a German businessman named Waldemar Julsrud came across a series of bizarre ceramic figurines said to resemble dinosaurs. These figurines have been promoted by young-Earth creationists as evidence for the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans! But what are these figurines, really? Today we are joined by Dr. David Anderson to talk about the infamous Acambaro figurines!

Our Guest:

Dr. David Anderson is an Instructor with Radford University, and holds his degrees from Tulane University (Ph.D.) and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  His research interests include public archaeology and the conceptions of heritage, the Formative Period of Maya and Mesoamerican culture, the origins and development of sociopolitical complexity, and academic engagement with pseudoscience and pseudoarchaeology.  Dr. Anderson’s current publication projects include Weirding Archaeology: Unearthing the Strange Influences on the Popular Perception of Archaeology(forthcoming, Routledge), and “The Preclassic Settlement of Northwest Yucatán: Recharting the Pathway to Complexity”co-authored with F. Robles C. and A.P. Andrews, in Pathways to Complexity in the Maya Lowlands: The Preclassic Development, (K.M. Brown and G. J. Bey III, eds., University of Florida Press, 2018).

Your Hosts:

Kurly Tlapoyawa is an archaeologist, ethnohistorian, and filmmaker. His research covers Mesoamerica, the American Southwest, and the historical connections between the two regions. He is the author of numerous books and has presented lectures at the University of New Mexico, Harvard University, Yale University, San Diego State University, and numerous others. He most recently released his documentary short film "Guardians of the Purple Kingdom," and is a cultural consultant for Nickelodeon Animation Studios.

Ruben Arellano Tlakatekatl is a scholar, activist, and professor of history. His research explores Chicana/Chicano indigeneity, Mexican indigenist nationalism, and Coahuiltecan identity resurgence. Other areas of research include Aztlan (US Southwest), Anawak (Mesoamerica), and Native North America. He has presented and published widely on these topics and has taught courses at various institutions. He currently teaches history at Dallas College – Mountain View Campus.

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